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Chapter 6

  ◆Chapter 4: Grantz Kingdom “SEEING  it up close is pretty daunting…” The capital of Grantz is a fortified city, surrounded entirely by tall stone walls you have to crane your neck to see the top of. This kind of structure exists in the world I come from, too, but I’ve only ever seen pictures of it. I’m totally overwhelmed by seeing the real thing in person. “Hey, since this is a fortified city…does that mean you were at war?” Several moats and canals encircle the city walls. We are currently lying low in one of the dried-out canals, but the mere fact they went to such lengths to prevent invasions gives me the sneaking suspicion they had something they were trying to stop from coming in. “No. Grantz has never gone to war. These defenses are not for us to partake in war, but to keep others from dragging us into wars. The other two major countries have been fighting for many years now…” Cia sorrowfully relates, squeezing my hand. Incidentally, the zombie stench has vanished from my righ
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Chapter 5

  HALFWAY  through our escape I keep the motion going by kicking off the ground every few steps even though we had slowed to a walking speed. I don’t know the exact distance we’ve gone, but I’m positive we’ve made it a ways. We’re currently on top of a small hill. The heavy fog makes it hard to see much, but I can faintly make out an open field ahead of us. All of a sudden, the right hand I’m holding tugs back. I stop my brisk walk and look over my shoulder to where the princess has sunk to the ground, exhausted. Her shoulders are moving up and down with her heavy breathing. “A-Are you okay?” “…I’m sorry. I will stand now.” So she says, but her stamina has reached its limit. Her face is haggard, and I can tell just by looking that she’s sweating a lot. Continuing to run in her state could be the real threat to her life. I release her hand and crouch down in front of her. “Sorry. I made you run at my pace… I think we’ve put a good distance between us and the horde, so why don’t we take

Chapter 4: Apparently, Small Zombies Exist Too Part 2

  While I’m moved by her maturity, the princess rubs her forehead and nose as she quietly mutters, “Y-You certainly pack quite the punch, though…” “Ah! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” She does remember! And vividly at that! “My ‘purification’ was painfully intense as well… I believe the strength you put behind it increased significantly since the first time.” “I’m not apologizing to you, Lex.” I glare daggers at him and he guiltily looks away. The princess glances from me to Lex and says, “You seem like good friends.” “Not in particular,” I flatly declare. “L-Lady Mizuha!” Lex turns a pair of imploring eyes on me. It’s not like I’ve said anything bad. I mean— “We only just met several hours ago…” “You did? I was completely under the impression you had spent far more time together.” It’s true that I no longer hold back around Lex. Mostly because he has a few screws loose. He’s undeniably a serious and good guy, too, though. “Lex, can you introduce us?” “Yes, Your Highness!” Lex introduces me

Chapter 3: Apparently, Small Zombies Exist Too Part 1

  ◆Chapter 3: Apparently, Small Zombies Exist Too CARRYING  my socks and loafers in both hands, I wade through the lake. I could tell just by looking, but the lake is ridiculously large. Pushing forward endlessly hasn’t brought the opposite shore into view yet. Water that comes up to only your knees slows and weighs you down the more you walk in it. I’m athletic, but even my legs are starting to feel like lead. Fortunately, no matter how much I slow down, Lex’s back in front of me doesn’t move farther away. He seems to be matching his pace to mine. I’m of the opinion he’s a nice and serious person, though I have no intention of changing my first impression of him being a weirdo. After about twenty minutes of walking, we finally arrive at the opposite shore. I flop on the ground like I’m falling over. “I can’t go any farther! My legs feel like logs!” “Shall we tarry a moment?” “Please…” I gaze up at the sky while stretching out my legs. The series of surprises I’ve experienced since wak
